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杨春兰 徐守军 刘龙平 谢丽春

杨春兰, 徐守军, 刘龙平, 谢丽春. 小儿垂体朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症临床特征和MRI表现[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2024, 47(1): 31-35. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.01.06
引用本文: 杨春兰, 徐守军, 刘龙平, 谢丽春. 小儿垂体朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症临床特征和MRI表现[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2024, 47(1): 31-35. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.01.06
YANG Chunlan, XU Shoujun, LIU Longping, XIE Lichun. Clinical characteristics and MRI manifestations of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in children[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2024, 47(1): 31-35. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.01.06
Citation: YANG Chunlan, XU Shoujun, LIU Longping, XIE Lichun. Clinical characteristics and MRI manifestations of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in children[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2024, 47(1): 31-35. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.01.06


doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.01.06

广东省高水平临床重点专科 SZGSP012

广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目 2022A1515111121

深圳市医学重点学科建设经费 SZXK034

深圳市医疗卫生三名工程项目资助 SZSM202011005

深圳市基础研究专项(自然科学基金)基础研究面上项目 JCYJ20220530155616038


    杨春兰,硕士,主治医师,E-mail: 498853012@qq.com


    徐守军,博士,主治医师,E-mail: 287928145@qq.com

Clinical characteristics and MRI manifestations of Langerhans cell histiocytosis in children

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨小儿垂体朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(LCH)的临床特征和MRI表现。  方法  回顾性分析2014年11月~2023年8月经病理证实的23例垂体LCH患儿MRI资料, 其中男12例, 女11例, 年龄1岁~12岁6月(6.72±3.33岁)。观察病变部位、垂体高度、神经垂体是否存在、垂体柄形态、大小、垂体强化方式、垂体/松果伴随病变等, 并总结、归纳垂体LCH的MRI表现。  结果  首次就诊原因主要为尿崩症, 其它就诊症状为顶部包块2例, 顶部压痛1例, 颈部包块1例。垂体单系统受累16例, 其余均为多系统受累, 垂体外常累及颅面骨, 少见受累部位为肺部、肋骨等。腺垂体明显凹陷、变薄1例, 饱满/隆起4例; 神经垂体高信号均未见; 垂体柄增粗13例, 细小2例, 另有1例漏斗部线样狭窄、上段结节状增粗, 无明显增粗/细小7例; 增强后垂体均明显均匀强化; 伴随Rathke囊肿/残腔3例, 松果体囊肿2例。  结论  小儿垂体LCH磁共振表现具有一定特征性, 有助于诊断。


  • 图  1  垂体单系统受累LCH

    Figure  1.  Pituitary single systemic disease (SS-LCH). Female, 7 years and 3 months old, polyuria for more than 8 months. A: Sagittal MRI plain scan showed that normal posterior pituitary T1WI high signal disappeared, pituitary stalk slightly thickened; Coronal (B) and sagittal (C) MRI showed uniform enhancement of pituitary gland and thickening of pituitary stalk. Later, he was transferred to a superior hospital for diagnosis and treatment, and pathology confirmed that the pituitary single systemic disease (SS-LCH).

    图  2  垂体多系统受累LCH:患者1

    Figure  2.  Pituitary multisystemic disease (MS-LCH): patients 1. Male, 3 years and 3 months old, masses were found on the left top for more than 5 months. A: Sagittal MRI plain scan showed that normal posterior pituitary T1WI high signal disappeared, pituitary stalk slightly smaller; Sagittal (B) MRI showed obvious uniform enhancement of pituitary gland with slightly smaller stalk; Axial CT bone window (C) and axial CT skull VR reconstruction (D) showed multiple bone destruction in the skull. Pituitary multisystemic disease (MS-LCH) was confirmed by pathology.

    图  3  垂体多系统受累LCH:患者2

    Figure  3.  Pituitary multisystemic disease (MS-LCH): patients 2. Male, 5 years and 1 month old, polydipsia and polyuria for more than 1 month. A: Sagittal MRI plain scan showed that normal posterior pituitary T1WI high signal disappeared, and the pituitary stalk showed obvious nodular thickening; The sagittal (B) and coronal (C) MRI enhancement showed obvious nodular thickening and enhancement of the pituitary stalk, which was located on the left side of the sella; D: Thin layer axial MRI showed obvious abnormal enhancement in the soft tissue of the right frontal scalp, and a few lamellar enhancement in the adjacent frontal bone; E: Sagittal MRI enhancement showed obvious uniform enhancement of the adenohypophysial gland, which showed a circular area without enhancement, indicating a Rathke cyst. Pituitary multisystemic disease (MS-LCH) was confirmed by pathology.

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