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丁洪园 张玲 唐银 王彤 朱奕 吴婷 祁鸣

丁洪园, 张玲, 唐银, 王彤, 朱奕, 吴婷, 祁鸣. 主观认知下降患者的静息态功能磁共振低频振幅变化[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2023, 46(5): 787-791. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.05.02
引用本文: 丁洪园, 张玲, 唐银, 王彤, 朱奕, 吴婷, 祁鸣. 主观认知下降患者的静息态功能磁共振低频振幅变化[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2023, 46(5): 787-791. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.05.02
DING Hongyuan, ZHANG Ling, TANG Yin, WANG Tong, ZHU Yi, WU Ting, QI Ming. Changes in amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation of functional magnetic resonance imaging in subjective cognitive decline[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2023, 46(5): 787-791. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.05.02
Citation: DING Hongyuan, ZHANG Ling, TANG Yin, WANG Tong, ZHU Yi, WU Ting, QI Ming. Changes in amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation of functional magnetic resonance imaging in subjective cognitive decline[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2023, 46(5): 787-791. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.05.02


doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2023.05.02

国家重点研发计划 2018YFC2001600

国家重点研发计划 2018YFC2001603


    丁洪园,主管技师,E-mail: hy_ding_jsph@foxmail.com


    祁鸣,博士,主任医师,E-mail: qiming@njmu.edu.cn

Changes in amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation of functional magnetic resonance imaging in subjective cognitive decline


National Key R&D Program of China 2018YFC2001600

National Key R&D Program of China 2018YFC2001603

  • 摘要:   目的  探究低频振幅(ALFF)在主观认知下降(SCD)患者中的改变及其与临床认知量表的相关性,为延缓和预防阿尔茨海默病的进展赢得宝贵时间窗。  方法  共招募45例SCD患者和40例匹配良好的健康对照组,最终纳入ALFF值分析的分别为35例和33例。所有受试者均进行静息态磁共振脑功能成像扫描和相关临床量表评估。采用ALFF分析方法比较两组间ALFF值存在差异的脑区,采用线性回归分析评估所有受试者各脑区ALFF值与临床认知评估量表之间的相关性。  结果  与健康对照组相比,SCD组左侧枕上回、左侧顶上回、左侧楔叶和楔前叶、左小脑以及右侧罗兰氏岛盖部的ALFF值均较低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。SCD患者右侧罗兰氏岛盖部的ALFF值与韦氏逻辑记忆测试和波士顿命名测试评分呈正相关关系;左侧枕上回ALFF值与波士顿命名测试评分呈正相关关系,与连线测试A评分呈负相关关系(P<0.05)。  结论  SCD患者有异常的脑活动信号,且异常脑区的ALFF值与部分临床量表评估具有相关性,ALFF可能被认为是早期发现这些患者的特征性生物标志物。


  • 图  1  SCD组与HC组相比ALFF值差异脑区

    Figure  1.  Brain regions that demonstrate significant differences of ALFF values between SCD and HC groups.

    图  2  SCD患者ALFF值与临床认知评估量表相关性分析

    Figure  2.  Linear regression analysis between ALFF values and neuropsychological scales in SCD patients. A: The ALFF values of right Rolandic operculum were positively correlated with the WLMT scores and BNT scores; B: The ALFF values of left superior occipital gyrus were positively correlated with BNT scores and negatively correlated with TMT-A scores.

    表  1  SCD组和HC组一般资料和神经心理学量表评估比较

    Table  1.   Baseline demographics and clinical characteristics of SCD and HC groups

    Characteristics SCD(n=35) HC(n=33) P
    Gender(n, Male/Female) 11月24日 18/15 0.127
    Age(years, Mean±SD 70.05±6.90 71.24±6.40 0.738
    Education(years, Mean±SD 13.34±2.34 13.12±2.43 0.115
    MMSE [M(Min, Max)] 28(26, 28) 29(28, 30) <0.001
    MoCA [M(Min, Max)] 24(20.5, 25) 27(27, 28) <0.001
    AVLT-H [M(Min, Max)]
      N5 4(3.5, 5.5) 4(3, 5) <0.001
      N7 20(19, 22) 22(21, 23) <0.001
    WLMT (Mean±SD) 14.06±6.29 19.51±6.57 <0.001
    TMT-A [M(Min, Max)] 67(54.5, 92) 53(46, 65) <0.001
    TMT-B (Mean±SD) 177.66±58.84 148.24±46.73 <0.001
    SDMT (Mean±SD) 32.06±11.02 40.54±10.95 <0.001
    BNT [M(Min, Max)] 23(21.5, 25.5) 25(22, 27) <0.001
    VFT [M(Min, Max)] 17(14, 19.5) 20(19, 23) 0.004
    SCD: Subjective cognitive decline; MMSE: Mini-mental state examination; MoCA: Montreal cognitive assessment; AVLT-H: Auditory verbal learning test-Huashan version; WLMT: Wechesler logical memory test; TMT-A/B: Trail making test A/B; SDMT: BNT: Boston naming test; VFT: Verbal fluency test.
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    表  2  SCD患者ALFF值与临床认知评估量表相关性分析

    Table  2.   Linear regression analysis between ALFF values and neuropsychological scales in SCD patients

    Neuropsychological scales SC Beta t 95% CI P
    Lower Upper
    WLMT Rolandic_Oper_R 0.401 2.328 0.799 12.201 0.027
    BNT Rolandic_Oper_R 0.332 2.054 0.022 6.085 0.048
    Occipital_Sup_L 0.350 2.274 0.619 11.356 0.030
    TMT-A Occipital_Sup_L -0.278 -2.123 -60.04 -1.2 0.042
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