A review on the current situation and prospect of fMRI applying in the neural mechanism research of stroke by acupuncture
摘要: 随着功能磁共振成像分子影像技术的逐步成熟,针刺的脑效应机制研究也步入可视化阶段,且在中风病领域应用较多。功能磁共振成像研究范式主要分为任务态和静息态,分析方法主要包括脑区激活、功能连接、脑网络等。本文根据现有针刺-功能磁共振成像相关文献,归纳出针刺治疗中风偏瘫脑机制的研究进展,针对其试验设计、分析方法等方面分析目前研究可能存在的问题,并展望其应用前景。结果显示针刺可不同程度地激活大脑皮质运动区、感觉区以及小脑、基底节等部位,亦可提高脑区的功能连接,对运动、感觉、语言等脑功能网络发挥一定的调制作用。但仍存在诸多问题需要去改进,未来倡导以中医传统理论为纲,充分融合现代技术,多学科并举,构建针刺治疗中风的特异性脑效应网络。Abstract: As the fMRI molecular imaging technology maturing, the research on the central mechanism for acupuncture effect has also entered the visualization phase, and it is widely used in the field of stroke. At present, fMRI research mainly bases on task-state and resting-state, and analysis methods include brain region activation, functional connection, brain network analysis, etc. Based on the existing literature on acupuncture-fMRI, this review summarizes the progress of central mechanism research on acupuncture in the treatment of stroke, proposes possible problems in the aspects of its experimental design and analysis methods and looks forward to its application prospect. Results show that acupuncture could activate the cerebral cortex motor area, sensory area and cerebellum, basal ganglia to different degrees, and improve the functional connection of some brain regions, regulate brain motor, sensory, language networks. However, there are still many problems that need to be improved. In the future, traditional Chinese medicine theory should be proposed as the outline combine with modern technology through multidisciplinary partnerships to build a specific brain effect network for acupuncture treatment of stroke.
Key words:
- acupuncture /
- stroke /
- functional magnetic resonance imaging /
- task-state /
- resting-state /
- mechanism of brain effect /
- review
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