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褚者者 张建平 蔡知远 陈双红

褚者者, 张建平, 蔡知远, 陈双红. 封闭隔离环境暴露对海员脑功能影响的静息态fMRI研究[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2024, 47(3): 264-270. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.03.07
引用本文: 褚者者, 张建平, 蔡知远, 陈双红. 封闭隔离环境暴露对海员脑功能影响的静息态fMRI研究[J]. 分子影像学杂志, 2024, 47(3): 264-270. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.03.07
CHU Zhezhe, ZHANG JianPing, CAI Zhiyuan, CHEN Shuanghong. Influence of exposure to a closed and isolated occupational environment on seafarers brain function by resting-state fMRI[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2024, 47(3): 264-270. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.03.07
Citation: CHU Zhezhe, ZHANG JianPing, CAI Zhiyuan, CHEN Shuanghong. Influence of exposure to a closed and isolated occupational environment on seafarers brain function by resting-state fMRI[J]. Journal of Molecular Imaging, 2024, 47(3): 264-270. doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.03.07


doi: 10.12122/j.issn.1674-4500.2024.03.07

    褚者者,在读硕士研究生,E-mail: chuzhezhe2022@163.com


    陈双红,博士,研究员,E-mail: chen127shh@sina.com

Influence of exposure to a closed and isolated occupational environment on seafarers brain function by resting-state fMRI

  • 摘要:   目的  探讨海上封闭隔离环境及暴露年限对海员脑功能活动的影响,为预防职业环境暴露对海员脑功能损伤提供依据。  方法  于2023年8月招募30名长期从事海上作业的男性职业海员作为海员组,年龄19~29岁,工作年限1~11年,在三亚市人民医院采用Magneton Skyra 3.0 T磁共振扫描仪进行静息态脑功能磁共振成像;匹配无海上作业经历的普通被试30名作为对照组,年龄18~28岁,Magneton Skyra 3.0 T静息态磁共振数据从OpenNeuro公共数据库下载。计算两组静息态ALFF、fALFF和ReHo指标,采用双样本t检验比较两组间脑区ALFF、fALFF和ReHo的差异,进一步采用偏相关分析法分析ALFF、fALFF和ReHo值与海员工作年限和出海年限的相关性。  结果  与对照组相比,海员组右侧中央后回和右侧小脑脚1区的ALFF值较高,左侧嗅皮质的ALFF值较低;左内侧和旁扣带脑回以及右颞级颞上回的fALFF值较高,右侧枕中回、左侧顶下缘角回、左侧中央前回和右侧中央前回的fALFF值较低;右侧海马旁回ReHo值增高,右侧颞下回、右侧眶部额中回、左侧顶下缘角回、左侧角回、右侧颞中回和左侧颞中回ReHo值降低,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),采用GRF校正,体素水平P < 0.001,团块水平P < 0.05。海员组右侧中央后回ALFF值与海员工作年限呈弱正相关(r=0.369,P=0.049),右侧枕中回fALFF值与海员工作年限呈弱负相关(r=-0.370,P=0.048)。  结论  长期职业封闭隔离环境暴露对海员多个脑区的脑功能活动造成影响,海员右侧中央后回的ALFF值与工作年限存在弱正相关性,右侧枕中回的fALFF值与海员的工作年限呈弱负相关。


  • 图  1  海员组和对照组ALFF、fALFF和ReHo值的差异脑区

    Figure  1.  Differential brain regions of ALFF, fALFF and ReHo values between seafarers and controls. A: The brain regions where ALFF values differed between the seafarer group and the control group; B: The brain regions where fALFF values differed between the seafarers and the control group; C: Brain regions with differences in ReHo values between the seafarers and the control group; The warm color indicated that the seafarer group had an increase compared with the control group, and the cool color indicated that the seafarer group had a lower value compared with the control group.

    表  1  海员组与对照组ALFF、fALFF和ReHo值的差异脑区

    Table  1.   Brain regions with differences in ALFF, fALFF and ReHo values between the seafarer group and the control group.

    Index Brain regions AAL label Peak MNI coordinate Voxels T value
    X Y Z
    ALFF Postcentral_R 58 34 -42 57 1047 14.09
    Cerebelum_Crus1_R 92 42 -66 -30 203 6.88
    Olfactory_L 21 -15 6 -15 84 -27.21
    fALFF Occipital_Mid_R 52 45 -63 27 384 -9.64
    Cingulum_Mid_L 33 -3 -12 33 217 8.53
    Parietal_Inf_L 61 -27 -51 48 169 -7.12
    Precentral_R 2 48 6 39 125 -8.81
    Precentral_L 1 -45 3 39 50 -6.50
    Temporal_Pole_Sup_R 84 36 9 -30 19 7.10
    ReHo Temporal_Inf_R 90 60 -45 -9 378 -13.15
    Frontal_Inf_Orb_R 10 45 42 -9 160 -10.63
    Parietal_Inf_L 61 -42 -45 60 83 -6.12
    Angular_L 65 -39 -63 36 80 -6.21
    ParaHippocampal_R 40 27 -21 -21 57 6.11
    Temporal_Mid_R 86 51 -3 -30 48 -5.44
    Temporal_Mid_L 85 -57 -63 -3 39 -5.90
    AAL: Anatomical automatic labeling; MNI: Montreal neurological institute.
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    表  2  海员组差异脑区ALFF、fALFF和ReHo值与工作年限和出海年限的偏相关性分析结果

    Table  2.   The partial correlation analysis results of ALFF, fALFF and ReHo values in differential brain regions with years of working and years at sea in the seafarer group.

    Years of exposure Index Brain regions r(working years/years at sea) P(working years/years at sea)
    Working years/Years at sea ALFF Postcentral_R 0.369/0.071 0.049/0.715
    Cerebelum_Crus1_R -0.215/-0.160 0.263/0.406
    Olfactory_L 0.210/0.109 0.275/0.575
    fALFF Occipital_Mid_R -0.370/-0.219 0.048/0.254
    Cingulum_Mid_L 0.108/0.281 0.579/0.140
    Parietal_Inf_L 0.210/0.128 0.274/0.509
    Precentral_R -0.011/0.049 0.956/0.800
    Precentral_L 0.056/0.196 0.773/0.308
    Temporal_Pole_Sup_R -0.312/0.042 0.099/0.827
    ReHo Temporal_Inf_R 0.123/-0.053 0.525/0.785
    Frontal_Inf_Orb_R 0.223/0.028 0.245/0.887
    Parietal_Inf_L 0.318/0.052 0.093/0.787
    Angular_L 0.223/-0.003 0.245/0.989
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