Discussion on the rehabilitation of pulmonary function in stroke patients
摘要: 近年来,脑卒中的发病率逐年升高,医院内脑卒中患者人数也持续上涨。急性脑卒中患者的心肺活动能力受限,长期卧床导致排痰功能下降,易引起肺水肿和肺部感染等并发症,对脑卒中患者的转归与康复产生极大阻碍。本文从发病机制对脑卒中相关性肺功能障碍进行了细致全貌分析,系统阐述了其康复治疗的难点,在此基础上优化了脑卒中患者肺功能康复的治疗方法,并对卒中后肺康复治疗的发展指明了方向。Abstract: In recent years, the incidence rate of stroke has generally enhancing, and the number of stroke patients in the hospital has constantly increasing. Occurrence of stroke dramatically reduces patients' physical activity as a result of motor function impairment accompanied by muscle weakening. Cerebral edema, autonomic nerve damage, neuro-humoral dysfunction, and low thorax activity, brought about by cerebral ischemia and cerebral hypoxia can of course lead to pulmonary infection and pneumonedema as well as other complications, which seriously affect the outcomes and prognosis of stroke patients. This article analyzes stroke-related pulmonary dysfunction, and discusses the difficulties of rehabilitation. On the basis of the difficulties, the authors puts forward rehabilitation measures of pulmonary function in patients with stroke, and gives suggestions on its future development.
Key words:
- pulmonary function /
- rehabilitation /
- stroke
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