Research progress of photodynamic therapy for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
摘要: 宫颈癌是全世界女性中肿瘤相关死亡的第二大原因。宫颈病变的患病率逐年增加,且患病人群呈年轻化趋势。随着宫颈癌筛查技术的普及,越来越多的宫颈病变在早期被发现。宫颈病变经典治疗方案在提供可靠疗效的同时,也为育龄期患者带来的潜在的生育风险。育龄期宫颈病变患者迫切需要有一个切实有效又不影响生育功能的治疗方案供其选择。疗效可靠、保留宫颈结构和功能、保护生育功能的一种治疗宫颈病变方法—光动力治疗(PDT)逐渐得到患者重视,尤其是有生育要求的年轻患者。本综述简述了宫颈病变情况、宫颈病变经典治疗方案与PDT疗法的优缺点以及PDT在宫颈病变治疗中的不足与展望。本综述侧重比对经典治疗方案与PDT疗法在宫颈保护、生育方面的优缺点,旨在介绍PDT在宫颈病变治疗中的最新研究应用,希望能为宫颈病变治疗提供更为多样化、更优的治疗思路。Abstract: Cervical cancer has been the second leading cause of cancer- related deaths in women all over the world. The incidence rate of cervical cancer is higher in current years, and the main age of cervical cancer has been younger. Pap smears are more often used for the screening of cervical cancer, so more cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) have been found at earlier stage. Despite the high cure rate, conventional treatments of CIN may damage cervical stroma, thus can lead to reduce fertility such as infertility, abortion or preterm delivery. Therefore, a novel treatment for CIN that can leave fertility virtually intact, with similar cure rate, is urgently needed. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective therapy for CIN and it could maintain correct tissue structures and functions. PDT is applied for the cases with CIN especially for the younger patients who have the desire for future fertility. This review provides an overview of CIN and PDT. Furthermore, comparison of conventional treatments of CIN and PDT are comprehensively presented, especially investigating the therapeutic effects and clinical efficacy of these treatments in preserving fertility. Finally, we also discuss the limitations and future of PDT. This review aims to introduce the latest research progress of PDT for the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, and would indicate new directions for our clinical work about CIN.
Key words:
- photodynamic therapy /
- cervical intraepithelial neoplasia /
- fertility
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